-Lots of my photos are in the newest issue of upFront magazine from Penn Nursing Science
-I shot my first Bar Mitzvah!
-I did a family shoot with Carol and her son Nick that I loved and have another family shoot coming up next week.
-Lots of my photos are in the newest issue of upFront magazine from Penn Nursing Science
-I shot my first Bar Mitzvah!
-I did a family shoot with Carol and her son Nick that I loved and have another family shoot coming up next week.
Posted at 10:08 AM in Current Affairs, Event Photography, Portraits | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Happy New Year, friends!
2011 saw very little blogging from me here, but a lot more photography work! Most of that work was for publications so the photos can not be shared until they are printed. It's been a good year for me, building up more steady work slowly but surely. I somehow am still managing to make things work balancing this with my art endeavors and eking out a very meger living.
Some highlights of 2011 included traveling to Brooklyn, NY to photograph Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jennifer Egan
Oh, who am I kidding--that was probably THE highlight. :)
I had a wonderful experience shooting a three-day conference put on by the International Herbert Marcuse Society, where I met and marched with Anglea Davis!
I shot several creative happenings for the beautiful White Pines Productions
I did several new family shoots and one repeat customer.
I shot some art events during Homecoming Weekend for the Penn Gazette for my third year in a row.
I gained a new client with Penn Nursing Science and have already done several really interesting and fun shoots with them and am looking forward to more!
In 2012 I will be shooting a Bar Mitzvah in March, doing more work with Baby Loves Disco, and continuing to work with the Gazette and Penn Nursing. My goal is to find more university press work from one of the many other schools in my area in the hopes of having a few shoots every month to keep things solvent.
May your new year be full of love and peace, no matter what turmoils you may face. May your goals be reached. May you find surprises along the way. Be safe and be well.
Happy New Year. xx
Posted at 11:28 AM in Current Affairs, Event Photography, Portraits | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Why, hello there! Winter is a time for a bit of hibernation, and I've been very busy with art-related work and promotion. I'm still here, though, and still available for shoots! I've done a few things here and there but are not for public consumption.
It's hard to get photo jobs in the wintertime because so many would prefer to shoot outside. But I have lights. I have flashes. I can come to your office, restaurant, house, or apartment.
Meanwhile, here's a cute baby! :-)
Posted at 10:25 AM in Current Affairs, Portraits | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Happy New Year! I neglected this space a little bit over the holidays. I hope you all had good times and are ready to take 2011 by storm like I am!
I'm restructuring my pricing (again! yes, I know...almost got it right) and it will be posted again soon.
In news, I am in the newest issue of The Gazette in two places...a collage of art pictures from homecoming weekend...
and the lead photo of the incomparable Jennifer Higdon, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and Penn Alum, in this feature interview (click screen shot below to go to article):
I was honored to get the chance to meet Jennifer and photograph her. She was most gracious and I was really happy with how the photos came out. Here's a couple of others from the shoot:
In other news, I finally have a cool logo!
My husband created it after we tossed about a few ideas. I think it works really well, what do you think? I need to create a new watermark for my images and customize my gallery link page over at Zenfolio, as well as make new business cards using it. Still figuring out the best font (which can become a real obsessive activity, let me tell you). I've changed the layout of the site with a new banner. I like this a lot better than the previous layout.
I'm looking forward to a really good year in photography in both straight work and my artistic endeavors. I think 2011 is going to be a fantastic year for a lot of people.
Let's do this thing!
Posted at 12:18 PM in Current Affairs, Portraits | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Before I went away on vacation for a week, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Cleopatra Exhibit at Philadelphia's Franklin Institute with some members of the Philly Social Media Moms group. Thanks to Cecily for organizing it, and thanks to Kat Stein for being so welcoming and accommodating.
I still remember seeing the King Tut exhibit that was in Philadelphia when I was a young girl and what a big deal it was for the city. This is also a huge and important exhibit, with ground-breaking new discoveries and information and never-before-seen artifacts.
From their site:
The world of Cleopatra, which has been lost to the sea and sand for nearly 2,000 years, surfaces in this new exhibition, Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt, making its world premiere at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Organized by National Geographic and Arts and Exhibitions International, with cooperation from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (IEASM), the exhibition features never before seen artifacts, and takes visitors inside the present-day search for Cleopatra, which extends from the sands of Egypt to the depths of the Bay of Aboukir near Alexandria.
The exhibit is vast and beautifully done. You begin with a short film about the new discoveries and the search for Cleopatra's tomb, and then the screen lifts up for you to enter by an Egyptian statue of a Ptolemaic queen, with lighting on the walls to create an underwater feel. I did not listen to the audio tour as I was trying to focus on taking photos as well as keep tabs on my daughter and husband, but I understand that it is very well done.
There are underwater photographs displayed on the walls of the very items we were looking at being recovered, which I thought was a really nice touch. There were two huge appropriately-named Colossus of Ptolemaic Kings made of granite from the Temple of Amon which were most impressive, especially when seeing the ropes and pully systems used to recover them out of the sea!
We saw ancient coins and gold 'fragments' in limestone that I was sure were really tinfoil chocolate wrappers. ;-)
It was a gorgeous exhibit and I highly recommend getting there if you can as it is well worth your time. The exhibit runs through January 2nd, so you still have time!
Posted at 12:28 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (1)
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